We help deskbound professionals get pain-free and strong through curiosity-driven movement and training.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a hands-on medical treatment that involves assessment, movement and direct and indirect work on muscles, joints, connective tissue and other soft tissues. A Registered Massage Therapy treatment is covered by most insurance providers, and follows up-to-date clinical best practices for assessment and treatment.

I’m a massage therapist that assesses and treats your entire body and brain as an interconnected system. I believe that balanced movement is key for addressing pain and performance, and I support you to find and own the positions and areas you might not even know you’re not using. My intention is to empower you with freedom of movement and knowledge to help you recover from injury, process stress, reduce pain or manage persistent issues.

As a practitioner, I am full of curiosity. I graduated with Honours on the Dean List from Vancouver College of Massage Therapy, and currently teach there part-time. I’m a nerd in many ways: I’m fascinated with bio-mechanics and brain science, but I also know several computer programming languages and used to make computer games for a living. I strive to understand and explain the connections that sit beneath persistent concerns, to find balance within them and to create space for new experiences. I have a special interest in how the mechanics of walking and breathing influence the entire body, and what effect sitting has on those same mechanics.

An appointment with me begins with a set of objective tests to map out patterns of tension. Then we’ll use a combination of specific exercises, active manual treatment and breathwork with regular reassessment to change those patterns. When it’s indicated, more passive manual treatment like traditional massage might also be helpful. At the end of the session you will have an exercise program to take home allowing you to maintain changes and create the foundations for further work.

I’m a massage therapist that assesses and treats your entire body and brain as an interconnected ... Read More

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Curisoma Clinic - OfficeSuites Level 4
Located at: 601 West Broadway, Level 4, Vancouver
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